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To all the wonderful people of

In brief we all know there is so much going on in UK and the whole world about “Islamophobia”. That’s when we criticise Islam inhuman practices and ideology we are labelled being racist, bigot and Islamophobes. We must depart from those infantile whines of indoctrinated people and hold the accountable for all he harm they’ve been doing from ages in UK and rest of the world namely Terrorism, misogyny, FGM, hate preaching, homophobia, Muslims sex grooming gangs raping children, rape, honour killing, LGBTQ+ Atheist and Apostates death penalty, blasphemy death penalty, women opresion. These are all gifts of a horrible balk ideology given free hand to do whatever they want. Recently Anne Marrie Water the MP for Lewisham East, her political event was shut down because of fear of Islamophobia and offending Muslims because many times she have spoke out against Islam’s hideous totalitarian ideology and the crime those are being committed by dominant groups. Needless to say that there is no such thing called “Islamophobia” it is a term created by elite class from top to bottom conceit to silence the freedom of speech and expressions and give license to a religion to avoid criticism. This is absurd and obscene.
The fundamental Human’s Rights has been violated and people are living in oppression, killed, tortured, abducted, discriminated, imprisoned and silenced. These poor souls need our attention and social activism at least to spread the word and talk about them. For that purpose I plan to arrange our meet ups and have talks/discussion about those burning issues and contribute something back to humanity if we are privileged sort of. We will be making difference in our fellow humans lives who are most deprived and suffered. Since community is growing amazingly, it would be great to have real gatherings for debating those evils, bring awareness in London, UK. It can also be extended to meet, greet, eat, drink and have a party.

I will announce the date, time and venue soon.

JustinShaw 3 June 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I think the problem is that most of us do not refer to documented history , so only by searching the truth in the past and in the history of religions , we may realize the cause of events at present . Being an agnostic is very hard , because you should doubt about anything , you cannot rely hundred percent on an opinion or belief, and above all, you should avoid sentiments and prejudice in judgments, even after many harms and disasters . I think Islam is a harsh religion - by referring to it's origination and it's propagation , cited in many documentaries , but that doesn't mean all of it's followers are harsh people , that doesn't mean we should not criticize our own inherited religions , and that doesn't mean we should solve religious philosophical conflicts or problematic outcomes with politics . And eventually resulting in a phenomenon called Donald J Trump ! To avoid another crusade in 21st century , perhaps we should gradually depart from our religious identities and traditions .


Islamaphobia is when all Muslims are tarnished with the same wide brush and trucks are driven into them by right wing fanatics. It's also when the crimes of other religions are ignored.

And Richard Dawkins is not a paragon of virtue. He's a conceited, misogynistic douchebag.

And you call yourself a "thinker".

I hope it is sufficiently enough below my reply. But in addition to that killing any human no matter which religion they belongs is murder and crime. Though “holy” scriptures in Koran, Talmud, Bible mandate mass murder, sex slavery and slaves selling buying, war against infidels, women subjugation etc etc. And for the record we criticise every religion and their any horrible ideology , but when it comes to Islam, we can’t because Islam got license for all goodness in the world and it should be free from any kind of criticism. Does it really sound fair and just?


Did you read my comment?

I totally agree with Livia. You're just another hypocritical bigot, unable to see complexity. Stirring hatred and division.

I know Muslims. They go to work, pay their taxes. Look forward to holidays. They're no different to some Christians I know. Shame on you.

Read this. If you have the guts.


@Ellatynemouth well it sems to me that you actually never read my comment below and twisted what I said, where I mentioned same thing you’re trying to jumping about not all Muslims are bad. Read again and please dictate yourself with some morality and ethics if tiyrbparents taught you or you have read any fine books on them, so you may know how to talk to people with some manners.. Please go back to library. Another thing for tier information I am an Ex Muslim and I left Islam after 26 years of my life wasted and trying hard to get my way out, I suffered you never seen and imagine but so easy for people like you take label people and accused them for anything whatever you want. I have more knowledge of Islam then you or anyone you know from Middle-east. You’re a senseless and pathetic person who have hell no idea wat she is talking about. I mentioned nearly three times we are against the ideology of Islam of those bad bits which should be reformed. And I think you never been to mother of any of the white underage girls raped and abused over the course of 14 years in Rochdale, Rotherham, Birmingham, Leeds and some other parts of UK by sex gangs operated by only and only Muslims. Nearly 1400 children were raped and abused on daily bases and some were made pregnant, btw google it so you’ll find out all rapists were M***, believers of Islam. Still we don’t say all Muslims are bad, of course not some are good too and they are London Mayors, Home office secretary, workers, doctors and we value their contribution, I repeat I said this yesterday but you are a brainless idiot, alas you haven't even read below my long reply posted yesterday. Have you ever met any of those raped children mothers, they’re all white from England? Have you ever listen to their pain, misery and suffering? What if it was your child ? Now they all want to deport those all Pakistani Muslims but pathetic people like you will labelled the, bigot, racist, Islamophobe, divisive and gutless. Shame on you and your filthy ignorant opinion and taking sides with those who believes by their holy book that every non believer Muslim women like you white woman can be sex Slave, raped and can be sold and bought. Open the Quran or google it yourself my dear. Please don’t waste my time.


Yes! Look at the court cases, still raging against hundreds of Catholic priests around the world for sexual abuse.

Very selective of you.

Don't waste my time.


Ugh- please block me! I really cannot stand atheists using atheism as thinly veiled Islamaphobia. I have lived in the Middle East twice, and have the confidence to say it’s not all like you say. What you are seeing and disliking (quite rightly) is Wabbism or Salafi Islam spread by our dear ally Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia set out to dominate the Middle East and used American and British petrodollars to do it. Yet again Western greed and interference causes damage. What you are saying is simply intolerance. Being a hard boiled atheist doesn’t mean I want to be intolerant to others, it means I just don’t want that BS pushed on me. I find Christians the worst at trying to convert people.

Livia Level 6 June 15, 2018

Thank you.

People tend to forget that they cannot anymore hide behind the lame excuses of diffferent interpretations of Islam. If they still do and anyone who support them really need to have some more fine knowledge about these “interpretational fairytales”. Needless to say that there is only one Muhammad; one Koran and a unified collection of Muhammad Hadiths and life, these all inflict and teach murder, sex slavery, women dominance and inferior then men, killing of all infidels unless land earth belongs to Allah. Yes I know there are good bits too but why can’t we remove the bad bits to reform Islam. But inferioratingly idiots still exists and turning a blind eye to those scriptures, sayings and actions of Islam by calling It Salafi or Wahabi etc etc. people who call for reformation of Islam are threatened to death and called infidels and they’re hiding here in United Kingdom, Europe and US and they’re Muslims. Their crime is only they want to remove the evil parts of religion. I am afraid I may suggest to educate oneself from the so called education received but was rather indoctrination. We are talking about ideology not the one good Muslims, of course good and bad people exists everywhere. But just a reminder that it will take less then a second for all “good liberal” Muslims to protest and kill you if they can, if you draw Mumhaamd cartoons or criticise Islam any figure or Quran. So where is freedom of speech? Where is the core liberty and human rights and democracy?But when Muslims go out in UK streets and do their holy work “Dawah”, have online and TV channels for Dawah in which they clearly describe how Islam is superior from all other religions by criticising other religions and calling on non believers people to accept Islam. Well that’s perfectly fine but when we try to criticise Islam then it’s Islamophobia. No body label them with Christenophobia or Jewsphobia or hinduismphobia. Needless to say if one person is not willing to see the hypocrisy and messing around with their derogatory ideas, they will never depart from infantile whine.

@JustinShaw Do you know how many people you sound like? Loads, mainly people like Tommy Robinson. You speak like you have some kind of actual knowledge, when all you are doing is repeating far right hogwash. Do you have any idea how many Evangelical TV shows there are, robbing millions blind all over the world, trading prayers for cash, and flapping their gums about how great “their” god is, how their god is a savior or the entire planet, and how they are morally superior? Seriously, how many Muslims have been knocking on your door, asking you if you want to hear “the good news” trying to sell you crap pamphlets with pictures of dinasaurs and human beings walking around together, into an ark? How many Muslims have killed people through exorcism? And how many majority Muslim countries bombed us with missiles and have bombarded our cities and displaced our families? Do me a favor, please, just don’t try to educate me, because you have lost your intellect to irrational thought and misinformation. I am embarrassed for you. You are clearly stuck in an racist, right wing, looped argument, and have nothing to offer me in terms of information.


Agreed 100%. You can say whatever you want about Christianity, and nobody cries "Christianophobia!" But whenever you say something about Islam, suddenly you're the most racist thing since Birth of a Nation. Ridiculous! Islam isn't a race. End of story. It breaks my heart to see people on this site defending it so passionately.

Homosexuality isn't a race either. Does that mean that homophobia doesn't exist?

@CallMeDave Homophobia Involves fear and hatred of certain sexual behavior. Islamaphobia involves stereotyping. It is perfectly reasonable to fear and hate the Taliban, but there’s no need to impugn one fourth of the human race.

Islam is not a race and that is yet another reason not to fear and hate those who practice it. If you stereotype one fourth of humanity you smear some very good people.

@CallMeDave Islam IS homophobic.

@TheMiddleWay Ever heard of a little thing called Pew polls?

@TheDarkNolanite Total evasion and deflection of my question. Shall I call you Drumpf?

@TheMiddleWay Becuase at least 500 million Muslims around the world believe some very troubling things about basic human rights. Islam is not a religion of Peace. I thought atheists were smarter than to believe it is. I was wrong.

Ice cream is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It is usually made from dairy products. It is perfectly reasonable food, but there’s no need to impugn one of the world's desserts.

@TheMiddleWay Google their feelings about cartoons.

@TheMiddleWay Well you should be interested in cartoons because of their violent attitudes towards any form of satire or criticism of their deranged prophet. Did the 200th episode of South Park being censored due to bomb threats not prove to you that Islam has a chokehold over Western Civilization? Oh and hey, remember the Charlie Hebdo massacre? Something which 27% of British Muslims openly support. []

@TheMiddleWay Why are you so eager to call Islam peaceful when entire countries/cultures have been lost to it? Afghanistan was once a Buddhist nation. Pakistan and Bangladesh were once Hindu. Lebanon was once Christian. And now they're all theocratic Islamic hellholes. Why don't you look at how women are treated like less than second class in virtually every country where Muslims are the majority? There's also 12 Muslim countries where atheists are executed. Stop defending a sick cult which wants us dead!

@TheMiddleWay Doesn't erase the ones which do. And I've seen a video of a woman being caned in public in Sharia-infected Indonesia. Horrifying. That is Islam. Also, Mohammed kept sex slaves and had a 9-year-old bride. Are you seriously gonna defend that?

@TheMiddleWay "If it were Islam, it would happen everywhere Islam is, including the USA."

Islam has no power in the U.S.

@TheMiddleWay If Islam is such a peaceful ideology, then why do Ex-Muslims say otherwise?

Wait for it...

@TheMiddleWay And yet thousands of Muslim girls in western countries every year still get flown abroad to have FGM performed. Sick!

@TheMiddleWay Jesus Christ, it's like you would love to live under blasphemy laws with how much you're defending this religion. Take care, Ben Affleck.

@TheMiddleWay Forgive me for wanting to protect women.

@TheMiddleWay Death for apostasy is mainstream in Islam. In fact, there are 13 countries which practice it, ALL MUSLIM-MAJORITY. []

@TheMiddleWay You mentioned Pakistan earlier. Sure, they don't execute atheists for being atheists, but they DO execute them for "blasphemy," which is the same thing. If only more Muslims could be like Maajid Nawaz.

@TheMiddleWay And do you want proof that I'm not a bigot? Fine. Please note that I blame Christianity for the constant attacks on women's reproductive rights in my country. I blame Christianity for its horrors, just as I blame Islam for its horrors. It's called being objective.

@TheMiddleWay "no different than the USA putting people to death for breaking their rules."

We only put people to death for murder and treason. They put people to death over cartoons. There IS a BIG difference. Wow. Just wow. I now see that I'm arguing with a spineless moral/cultural relativist; my least favorite type of person on the planet. We're done here.

@TheMiddleWay just thirteen countries



@TheMiddleWay Oh and by the way, I absolutely hate Donald Trump. Be sure to take your Quran on your way out.

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