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Today doesn't feel much different than yesterday. But, I have this strange urge to go to bingo now, and do you know where I can get about 30 cats?

onlyduh 7 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Happy Birthday!


How about go to tango, and get 30 beers instead?

@onlyduh Say it ain't so.


30 cats????..... Are you going to cater tacos to a big party? ?????????????????????????????

@onlyduh awwwww....that's the nicest compliment ever !!!!!!!

@onlyduh and you keep finding ways to rise the bar !!!!

@onlyduh with background music please..... ? Spider Man? Spider Man??...etc etc ( fax me the 200 please !! ???)

@onlyduh Good thing I didn't say I bet !!!..... so, not Spider Man...mmmhhhhh...... and then this Johnny??? Carlson? .... I am lost but hey, what else is new, right?


Try your local animal shelter. They will love you.


Don't forget the Geritol and Medimucil


Is your left blinker on?

LEPeff Level 8 June 15, 2018

@onlyduh I do that already.

@onlyduh your hair isn't pure white yet, but I guess you could get a wig.

@onlyduh you have no concept of how little I know!

@onlyduh ain't technology great! I'm just glad I've still got hair!

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