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So, just out of curiosity, where to messages go when you archive them? Yeah, I probably should have read the FAQ or tutorial a LONG ass time ago...

onlyduh 7 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Not sure myself as I didn't have to archive anything yet. That option is probably useful for if and when another member sends you a "private" photo and you want to archive it so as to view it again later whenever.


I have short memory and even if I archive them, I am pretty sure I wouldn't find them ever again. So, where do they go? Dunno.... don't wanna know

@onlyduh .....well, that's your assumption that that is there but is it? And if it is, what is the big deal?...and if it is not then all the same altogether, isn't? (I must have been a real politician in a previous life, lots of words and none of content 🙂 ) Luv'ya !!

@onlyduh ABSOLUTELY CORRECT !!! ???????

@onlyduh I knew that you knew it and now is your turn to say that you knew that I knew that you knew ????

@onlyduh we could do this all daaaaaaaaaay 🙂


Why are you looking for the archives. Have you lost yourself ?

@onlyduh (Spits drink out)

Do you have something to hide ?

You don't count !

@SpikeTalon ( pats on back )

Thank goodness for that I say ?


I hit delete myself-if it's important they'll text you back. If not, fuck em

@onlyduh - learn to let go and not dwell on the past

@onlyduh - Zen? More like 4 beers and loving life. Motorcycle or anything (Engineer bordering on superhero)

@onlyduh - lol

@onlyduh-i kinda snickered a little, just a little. Keep at it- everyone improves with practice

@onlyduh - Both

@onlyduh - you have made me smile these past few days (and a couple of chuckles too)



LEPeff Level 8 June 15, 2018
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