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I have been helping out a couple of vegan friends and always get invited to dinner at the end of the day.
Guess what I get? Yep, vegan and raw food grub, simply delicious. She is a vegan cook so thats a bonus as well.

Whoohoo 4 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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"A plant-based died" does not exclude small amounts of animal protein. It's very difficult to eat vegan exclusively. I'm glad your friends are eating a healthy diet but it's not for everyone.


Some vegan food food is out of this world, yes really.
But lets get this one straight, I am not a vegan, vegetarian or anything else with a label on it.
The thing is, here in Spain, you get lots of organic produce which is out of this world.
Avocados were a nono in the UK for me but here, wow, you can live on them here.


Wait so I get banned if I talk about a "vegana", but someone else says "vegan" and nothing happens!?


You are lucky to have friends that share their Vegan foods with you. If you care about the planet, going plant based would solve climate change, save much drinking water, land, and preventing toxic waste. Every Vegan meal saves the stupid use of antibiotics on factory farmed animals. And, it's the healthiest diet on the planet for you to consume.

Food scientists have worked with Big Aggie to get you to your Bliss Point when hedonistic eating takes over. You don't want that to happen, as that leads to metabolic disorders.


A couple of my roommates are vegan/vegetarian and they always make such delicious food. They've fed me some really amazing dishes such as jack fruit tacos with pinto beans, corn, green chili, tomatoes, and lettuce with a side of diced red potatoes; and tofu with orange bell peppers, garbanzo beans, green beans, and quino. Everything they make is so tasty!

Mea Level 7 June 15, 2018

Plant-based food is amazing! 🙂

And SMART doctors recommend eating a plant-based diet for health!

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