Yup. It's music hour. Gearing up to run....
heh heh.
Reflection comes easy in the morning, before I have had my caffeine. I wonder if I curse too much, and/or and should I curb my tendency to stampede to vulgarity? Am I just a drunken sailor with a potty mouth and smallish boobs? I should meditate on that. Or some other damned hippy thing. Essential oils. That's it. Slather myself in woo and see if I hit an epiphany on reasonings why I operate in such a manner. I just might be a pendulum struggling to find stasis. Imagine me, pristine and elegant, wafting through life full of grace and charm. I'm halfway there - (some of you have actually talked to me) - i have the soft, lyrical low voice that would make for a perfectly polished lady, and except for my chronically accident prone existence, I have the agility of a gazelle.
A search for that elusive femininity that would make me acceptable to civilized society adopting a posture of stoicism and propriety.... or I could just do my run be sweaty and stinky, hug my dogs and pity the world at large for not being as AWESOME as I...
... have a BLESSED day my heathen brethren...