No Winds of Winter this year. Maybe next year? If not, I'm going to.. wait longer...
Anyone else waiting on a book release?
I already went through the Wheel of Time (I started that series in 1995, but the author began it in 90 or 91) and had to wait until 2013 to get to the conclusion. And that only happened from a stand-in author because the first author died.
After I read the first GoT book last year and realized how much further GRRM had to go and how long he takes to release books, I was done with that series! Lol
I won't pick it up again until the last book is released and on the shelves (assuming that even happens). If it never gets completed, I'll have to be happy with the T.V. series.
I simply don't care about GRRM/GoT any more. Patrick Rothfuss, on the other hand...
I've heard about him. I'll have to check out his books.