Think about it, Rush Limbaugh is sitting back enjoying the shit storm he started.
How do we fix that? We bring back the Fairness Doctrine that says radio and TV stations are required by law to present both sides of the story.
And remember it was Saint Ronnie that made it possible.
I truly believe had the Fairness Doctrine remained in place we wouldn't be in this mess, and if we brought it back in a few years we might get back to civility.
As it is now the U.S. is in a spiral dive, and we may not pull out in time to save the country.
There's hundreds of channels on my cable service. Which one's would you apply the "fairness doctrine" to? CNN & MSNBC? LOL
We are free to choose whatever we chose to watch on cable, I am taling AM, FM and over the air TV. Sadly the only audience many of the AM & some of the FM stations have left are the right wing talk wackos. Some say Rush saved AM radio, but destroyed the country in the process.
@Lincster45 No one is forcing you to listen to Rush Limbaugh. I don't. The fairness doctrine was created for a situation in which there was one or two TV stations in a town. It is now as obsolete as the dodo bird, except to would-be censors who don't like freedom of speech, and want to find some way to stop it.
I'm not sure if it would change things at this point, though it might do some good.
Y E S but have you ever witnessed the absolute shitfit the far-wrong has when even approaching this topic..? I remember well the great debate and civil tone before that POS Reagan killed it … He remains the beginning of the end..
That, ‘Citizens United,’ and Gerrymandering are most likely what brought us trump & friends…
How about we actually get out, rally our communities, go door to door, get people registered & then get them out to vote. Maybe volunteer to pick folks up & drive them to the polls, get them out for early voting. Maybe get the community active in phoning, writing, emailing & being a general pain in the collective asses of duly elected public officials who have forgotten exactly who they work for.
I call weekly