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Trump's space force, a good idea or just his latest attempt to build brownie points and create distractions?

There's a couple of new jobs for Don Jr. and Ivanka as Trump's First Space Cadets; oops, maybe they already are. LLOL

PS: Trump can direct the prep work, but only Congress can create his Space Force. Then there's the question of money with a twenty-one trillion+ deficit already.

Stay tuned

#Trump #SpaceForce

josephr 7 June 20

Enjoy being online again!

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"This is a dumb idea. The Air Force does this already. That is their job. What’s next, we move submarines to the 7th branch and call it the 'under-the-sea force?'" -Mark KellyVerified, Navy combat veteran & retired NASA astronaut



Can we send him into space? I'm sure there's an old Mercury rocket they can dust off, right? Cram a Soyuz capsule on it and he'll feel right at home!

What a great idea!!!!!

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