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The Bible...a book of stories and moral lessons. A guide for morality? Perhaps. But nonetheless, a book(s) written by men, organized, reorganized, translated and re translated by...u guessed!!! Apocrypha anyone??? Lol

DavidWeldon75 4 June 21

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Not according to minister on my tv this morning

Marine Level 8 June 22, 2018

It is a stab at a moral guide; arguably not a bad one for its era. But it leads consistently from behind. It tells you, not that slavery is wrong, but how to be a good slave or slave-owner; it accepts slavery as a given. It tells you that women are chattel -- again, it is a given, not something to question or improve upon. It exhibits conflicting moral principles too: in one place the visitor in your land is to be treated with kindless like one of your own; in another; the people of god are ordered to slaughter strangers, down to the last woman and child. You are to be kind to widows and orphans, but apparently not widows and orphans outside your tribe, when its more in your self interest to murder them.

Yes, written by men ... and products of their time.

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