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Another crush.

There are a few people on this site I would love to meet and be able to spend time getting to know better. Unfortunately, they all live very far away. I never tell the person that I have a crush on because I don’t want to freak anyone out.

Hermit 7 June 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I personally wouldn't be "freaked out" by someone telling me they had a crush - and I suspect most others on here wouldn't be either.
If you have genuine , positive things to say to someone - say 'em ! The world needs more of that.


But it's not like they live on the moon. Call, Skype, FaceTime, whatever. Geography shouldn't be a barrier to getting to know someone. The perfect person for you might be on the other side of the planet.

GwenC Level 7 June 23, 2018

Or even on another planet.


Let them know! If nothing else, they’ll be flattered. I dated someone 3,000 miles away for two years, seeing him in person every couple of months. With texting, phone calls and Facetime, it is possible to have quality time and distance if both people are motivated

UUNJ Level 8 June 23, 2018

This is true. It is easy to say distance doesn't matter, but in reality, it does for most of us.


Sad because atheists don't grow on trees apparently! I'm so comfortable in mine that it's shocking to me being around vocal believers.

Qualia Level 8 June 23, 2018

I met you in person and thought you were a great guy. If you have a crush on someone just tell them. If you want I'll tell them for you LOL.


So if you would never tell them, then this isn't a dating site for you.
Also, have they stopped selling airplane and bus tickets? Are the interstates shut down for the year?

Yes, all airlines and buses have been indefinitely shut down. The interstates have roving gangs of marauders attacking anyone who dares try to go anwhere. How are things where you are?

@Hermit much better than that! LOL Trains, planes, autos, and busses still running! You should "bug out" and head north! LOL The breakdown of civilization has not reached here yet...


Haha your thought is mine. I would really enjoy to meet in reality some person on this site. But I think if you really want to meet someone you will be able te meet that person in spite of the distance. And I think the feelings must be says.


Sweet! You give me hope.

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