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A political ideology (masquerading as a religion) whose objective is to subvert democracies and establish theocratic dictatorships is essentially treasonous, and needs to be dealt with as such. Otherwise, Western culture and secularism will be lost.


PBuck0145 7 June 24

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While I agree in theory, it is only treasonous to those who don't disagree. The British considered us treasonous in 1776. It is a matter of perspective. What do you propose? A devil's island scenario or executions of those found 'treasonous'?

xyz123 Level 7 June 25, 2018

A good start would be vigorous enforcement of the right to freedom of expression. It should not be necessary to "walk on eggshells" when discussing that particular ideology. Objective evaluation of Islam needs to be acceptable, and not labeled as "racist" of "Islamophobic".


You mean a religion acting as a political party evangelicals,catholics

Marine Level 8 June 25, 2018

Neither of those groups advocate global imposition of their ideology using violence, deception, and subjugation or execution of those who resist.

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