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Are all single moms this lonely? Is it just a side effect that I have to deal with? All of my ex's were either way to obsessed with the fact that I have a kid, or they want nothing to do with her.
Single forever sounds lovely.
But lonely forever does not.
I want to put her first but in order to do that do I have to be this isolated from romance? I haven't had a hug from anyone but my kid in like...a year.

Peeves 6 June 25

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I've been alone for a long time as well. And I love hugs. While I get some now and then, it is something I miss. I was married for a long time, and putting myself 'out there' is hard. I do it, but so far haven't met anyone. My 2 cents to you: get a baby sitter, go to dinner by yourself, go to a movie, or any activity you enjoy outside the house. It doesn't matter if you meet Mr. Right, be happy with yourself.

xyz123 Level 7 June 26, 2018

Single and Lonely are not synonymous. It is possible to be married and just as lonely. I recommend you work on the loneliness aspect on its own, without adding romance into the equation. Reconnect with good friends and strengthen those relationships. Make some new friends. Focus on the kid. Loneliness can lead to desperation, and desperation leads to making terrible choices.

Deb57 Level 8 June 26, 2018

I would not recommend putting too much stock in a romantic relationship being the only way to have connection, community and belonging.

I was a single father for a few years and made the mistake of remarrying to someone who was fine for me but didn't have a maternal bone in her body, at a time when my adolescent daughter really needed mothering. Whether it should have or not, that cost me a close relationship with my daughter from high school into her mid-30s. It's mended now, but take it from me, making these the loneliest AND best years of your life, unless someone right for both you and your child comes along, is worth it.


How old is your child? For six years, I stopped dating between my daughter's ages 10-16. Claire entered puberty early. I didn't want a revolving door of men in her life. When she began dating at 16, I did, too.

I suggest you join a parent's group. Also, sign up your daughter for swimming, karate or basketball. Team sports are great. You will have camaraderie with other parents in the stands. Benefits:

  1. You can make friends;
  2. You are showing support for your child;
  3. Athletic activities build girl's confidence. They see their body as competent and strong, not just as an ornament on some guy's arm.
  4. Laughing with parents keeps you from yelling at your child: "Pay attention! Faster!"

At matches, I had to sit on Claire's dad to keep him from yelling at her.

She's almost 5, also I'm a lesbian. So it is slightly easier to date, only because she doesn't see it as competition with her dad. But harder to date because it seems as though lesbians either really want babies and dive too fast into a relationship or they really don't want kids. So far I haven't met many that just want to go slow.

Is your girl in swimming lessons? I started Claire at 6 months in a YMCA water adjustment class for babies/toddlers and their parents. It was lots of fun.

Claire began swimming lessons at age three. My ex-husband, Terry, had an older sister, Teresa, who drowned at 12. I taught Terry to swim when we met. His entire family never learned to swim.

Also, swim lessons are a great way for kids and parents to make friends.


I was a single parent. It can be very lonely and difficult at times.

But, there are people out there who will share your views on parenting, and who will love and value your child almost as you do.

It might be years before he or she shows up, but try to be open to the possibility -- because those gems do exist.


Jim's right....''other people's children'' are a big problem and the "Brady Bunch" thing was just a tv show! It might be more realistic to just date until your child is older. Teens are especially challenging, even without adding unrelated people to the mix! GOOD LUCK! I know what you're going through.


It's tough to find the right person when you're a single parent. I realized, as a single father, that I would have to choose whether I wanted to focus on myself or my children.

It was also awkward living with a single mother too. I didn't interfere with her raising her kids, but didn't agree with it either. The "you raise your kids and leave me do the same approach" didn't go over well. I was a laid back dad; and did not want anyone else to discipline my kids.

JimG Level 8 June 25, 2018

Yeah, that's a very real fear of mine. My daughter and I are a pretty solid team and it's terrifying to even begin to think about someone else being involved.

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