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Driverless cars. Does anyone have them operating near you and, if so, fi you think they are as efficient and safe as their hype? Seems iike a major disaster waiting in the wings to me.

Geoffrey51 8 June 27

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They are all over the place here. Hate them.


A disaster waiting to happen.


The "disaster waiting in the wings" from self-driving cars is what it will do to the economy and the middle class when millions of truck drivers and delivery drivers lose their jobs.

That's a good point. Here in Australia a drone delivery service has either started or about to which will render many postal workers redundant. I guess that has happened in USA already.

And the working classes don't count?


The leap for these cars will happen when every car will become linked as a network. Safety will go way up and traffic will be drastically reduced.

Lukian Level 8 June 27, 2018

None I’m aware of.. I think they’re unnecessary. A dangerous gimmick.

Varn Level 8 June 27, 2018

As I understand it passenger planes mostly fly on auto & people crash cars constantly anyway. The potential for disaster is certainly there but disasters with cars already happen everyday. Im optimistic this may reduce the disasters.


not up for it

btroje Level 9 June 27, 2018
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