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My reply to a Flat earth Fundamentalist Wow, just wow......... Science evolves with new discoveries, religion not so much. I can tell you that the earth is not flat without any faith component, I can do it with trigonometry, geometry, physics & facts. The Earth is far older than 6000 years, & so is civilization. If "their" the anthropologists, geologists, etc,etc, are wrong about their time lines regarding humanity & civilization, its that there not going back far enough. We are being lied too & dis-informed, of that there is no doubt, but not for the supernatural nonsense you seemed to believe, despite its contradiction to irrefutable facts. Religion has been used from the beginning of time to divide & conquer. As far as your religion & holy book is concerned, it is full of barbarity, bronze age explanations for empirically verifiable phenomena & contradicts its self in about 101 places, if not more. Who is being fooled & brain washed here? Open for civil debate anytime. Facts, ( not by faith nonsense) facts, or at least intelligent hypothetical postulation, supported by at least some empirically verified factual evidence. BTW Atheism is above my pay-grade, I do not know what , when, or if, their is a creator, or a creative force. That being said this dissemination of nonsense is so frighteningly Orwellian, it approaches the level of a true evil. If you think a guy like trump is sent by god, I do not even want to talk to you.

bonobos48 4 June 28

Enjoy being online again!

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