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House Introduces Measure To Officially Sanction Rep. Maxine Waters, Request Her Resignation


Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) says Waters's comments are "unbecoming" a Member of Congress​

gater 7 June 29

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As Americans, and as humans, we should try to be civil to each other. This is something we all should practice. Our Congress should be our best and brightest, setting examples of how we should treat each other.
Waters tries to spread hate, not civility.

gater Level 7 June 30, 2018

@maturin1919 Did you major in stupid?

@maturin1919 That explains your lack of respect for Trumps economic policies.


Maxine has always been a radical racist left wing bitch. Why don’t they throw her ass out.


Sure, her comments are unbecoming, and what, Rep. Devin Nunes' actions are demonstrate exemplary integrity?


It's about time!


Well she is just mimicking President Dunning-Kruger.


Pot calling the kettle black (no racism intended)

t1nick Level 8 June 29, 2018

Was wondering when this would happen.. fine with me. l think she's lost her mind.


You gotta be kiddin after all the abuse the Repubs heap on the Dems and Obama.

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