7 14

Who can really debate this... it's just common sense and rationale combined.

mistymoon77 9 June 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't like Hitchens. I'm not a fan.


Most people need a herd to be part of. Even the word 'flock' implies this. Look at other herds: the right, the left, your company, sports teams. A cow can be part of 1 herd. We're lucky (?) we can part of as many herds as we like. We are at our finest when we perceive that our herd is being attacked.

xyz123 Level 7 June 30, 2018

He is a hero of mine! It's too bad that he is gone!

LEPeff Level 8 June 30, 2018

Hmmm... North Korea is one of the countries where atheism is enforced.

These blanket statements about religion can indeed be debated.


On the flip.side, how many commit to a religion to abstain themselves of any responsibility of their own lives.

R1ch1e Level 3 June 30, 2018

My favorite speaker


North Korea is probably easier than that, at least one can try to escape to South Korea.

They sure can try but people tend to not make it to the DMZ alive. They tend to shoot on site for people that try to leave

@dbagging They do but there are those that have managed. The DMZ zone is not the only place one can get thru.

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