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I'm A Hand Maid's Tale fan and post on the site quite often. We bicker quit a bit and are bothered by Trumpster Trolls often. Somebody was taking issue with Elizabeth Moss being a Scientologist. I said I thought all religion was equally foolish. Now I'm waiting for the shit to hit the fan. I wish I did not enjoy needleing them so much but sometimes I can't resist.

ForTheBirds 6 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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There seems to be some double standards floating around. The author, Margaret Atwood seems to be a bit of an idiot as well. She sounds like an anti feminist sometimes.


I find it prophetic that the book was written in 1985, before the rise of Trumpism, and portrays a future era which seems to be developing with Donald Trump's policies. IMO autocratic regimes use religion as a way to convince the people to be passive and follow their leader and obey. This weekend on a news show I heard a Christian commentator say he believed Trump was sent by God to advance the agenda of Christianity in the world. Christians believe that with the new Justice of the Supreme Court they will get Roe v Wade repealed, be allowed to politicize from the pulpit, and eliminate contraception. Christians are marching with Trump into the future of the handmaiden, Offred.

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