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Well someone has to "Take The Blame"

Coldo 8 July 2

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Everyone knows that missing money is in the pockets of the wealthy and that is why they needed tax revisions so they could keep it.


Or 'benefits'


Hmmm.....fake news?


@Coldo. Well.... it must be like our state of louisiana. Were so in the hole that ive got to pay another $5.oo on a carton of my cigarettes. That fucking Jindal did this before he left here from being governor. They didnt up the tax on alcohol or gambling. You know.... months from now the accountants are going to figure it out and find 5 billion right under their noses. You think my cigarettes are going to get a tax break? Hell no. Their going to give all the government pay raises except school teacher's and the police and the fire department. I remember when state taxes were 3% and now its been 10% for awhile. So guess what? New Orleans is sitting in a hole by the sea. That town is going under again and its going to cost us our taxes to bail them out again. Its a racket around here and so is the rest of this country.

@BucketlistBob It's the same world over bro.The rich get richer,the poor get Screwed!

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