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New arrivals in my container garden. 2 baby cucumbers and 2 blooming sunflowers! I love watching my garden grow!

JenBeberstein 8 July 2

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Tomato's,Green Beans, and Cucumbers? All wonderful ,nothing quite like a fresh picked tomato,sliced with a little salt and pepper for a treat. The sunflowers will draw the birds for the seeds.

The sunflowers are for the birds, it keeps them out of my berries!

@JenBeberstein Look into getting some fine netting to cover your plants,to keep the birds out.

@Louise1920 that would also keep out beneficial pollinators.


I love it, especially because I didn't plant a garden this year. Good for you!

Mine came together in stages, I added to it as I had the money and time to invest. I love fresh food and homegrown veggies are the best!


Nice pictures.

Thank you! I love watching the garden grow!!

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