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I wish l could find this guy so l could give him a hug.

Captain_Feelgood 8 July 3

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Yes he is a very sensible person. He is definitely an American patriot.


Same here.


The US runs modern day prisons like covert slavery factories and dumps most of America's mental ill citizens in them.

And the United States made a big effort to help Nazis start new lives in the United States and South America after the Second World War.

The US is not so innocent.

Hmm.. let's break that down. ''modern day'' prison. So far so good. ''covert slavery factories'' There's nothing covert, and no slaves. I know you're trying to make it seem ominous, deceitful and somehow even illegal, but they brag about the license plates they press for everyone's cars and trucks and trailers, the furniture they build, the trash they pick up on the roadsides, all the shops they have where they teach prisoners a trade they can use to get a job when they finish paying their debt to society. The classes they teach so prisoners can get their GEDs. Slavery? Far from it. You have to sign up for these positions, and you have to be in good standing to get the chance to participate. No they don't get paid much for the work they do. They're in prison. It's not suppose to be a fun place to be, work and make a bunch of money, while getting free room and board.
''Made a big effort to help Nazis start new lives ...'' . I knew one of those 'Nazis'. A very nice man that defected when he was able to escape Germany with his wife Alma. Hitler had him working (against his will mind you) on developing the missile guidance systems at one of their bomb factories. Actually worked along side Wernher von Braun in the labs over there. His name was Fred Tischer, graduated from Prague in the Czech Republic. He ended up teaching in the ECE department here with my Stepdad at NCSU. But somehow you want to make this seem like some form of treachery, treasonous even. There were lots of Germans that were against the war that helped save Jews, and helped them escape. Then those Germans left the country as well. Perhaps their descendants grew up to be members of the KKK? Are you seriously pointing your self riotous finger at those Germans that immigrated here during or after the war screaming ''NAZIS'' and then saying our gov. was doing something wrong by giving them a second chance? But you're all for these ''sanctuary cities'' letting criminals back out on the streets before ICE can come get them? Let me guess... you're that lady that points at the kid selling lemon aid on the sidewalk and screaming for the police to shut them down for not having a vendors license.
''The US is not so innocent''... yeah, l know.. You'll rarely find anything good to say about this fucking awesome country you're so very lucky to live in. It's just not what you progressive liberals do, is it...


Selfishness personified.

Mentally ill people should not be thrown in prisons - since prison is a punishment.

The mentally ill should be cared for in hospitals. Since they have not committed a crime.

Presumably you would want this for one of your own friends or a family member, should they become mentally ill enough to be sectioned.

In the UK we treat mentally ill people in clinics and hospitals because we value human beings.

My problem is with people who present the US as automatically occupying a moral high ground, when the contrary is true.

@Ellatynemouth Holey shit... You think the people in our prisons didn't do anything wrong to get there?? They're all just mentally ill? Are you even so daft as to think we don't have hospitals for the mentally ill? What fucking nutcase propaganda have you be reading? Here's a clue; when a person picks up a gun and robs a bank, they're not mentally ill,, they're stupid.. period..We send them to prison.. When a person shoots their spouse or mate because they suspect they're cheating on them, they are mentally ill,, but they still committed murder.. Are you saying we should just put that murderer in a mental hospital instead of prison? But you live in the UK , so you hear an American show some pride in our country and you get butt hurt? REALLY? Okay,, You don't know jack-shit about us, all the awesome things we've done for this world. Are we perfect? HELL NO!!. But we're free, and everybody seems to want to live here. I've been all over the US, and all over the UK as well, and I assure you, there's a reason everyone would rather live here. ..We're done here...


The USA today runs class camps and the latter are becoming very restless.

Still not concentration camps though...

@SpikeTalon Not much better for those denied healthcare,food and shelter. Look at what they have done to the vets on the steet. Where is their care? This applies to many mentally ill also on the streets. There was a homeless man who lived near us in NYC. The restaurant gave him a meal every day and I offered him clothes which he said he did not need and to give them to the needy. One day he just jumped into the east river and died. It was totally unnessary.To see this occuring in a nation that has all these billionaries is criminal.

@Marine I get you on the homeless and ill veterans, Marine, and you are right that is a problem. I can also agree with you to an extent that the GOP by and large does not do enough to help our vets, but the same could also be said of the Democratic Party which has its fair share of millionaires just like the other party. In a free society, if someone accumulates wealth there is no law stating they have to spread said wealth around to others, unpleasant I know but that is life and there will always be people like that. Just continue doing what you do and help whenever and wherever you could, sounds to me you're on the right path. I too have helped those in need in the past provided I had spare funds/goods in which to provide assistance.

@SpikeTalon Thanks I do as much as I can afford and I do visit the hospitals. It is amazing how many have no one to come and see them. same with the soilders homes.It would be nice if the wealthy did contribute more but it is the government that should be providing for these vets who gave so much.


Damn.... to have to go through that.... ugh!

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