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I have a friend that means a lot to me. Everytime he gets involved with a woman, without them even meeting meeting me, insist that he ends our friendship due to jealousy. We've been through this 3 time and each time he says never again. Is there a reason people find jealousy acceptable? It's clearly insecurity and not because you care about someone. Why is it so common??

RobinAB 4 July 4

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My closest friend is a woman. We have know each other since childhood and we are as close or maybe even closer than siblings. So close that she asked me to walk her down the aisle when she was married this past spring.

It has always been something that the men in her life and the women in mine have had to accept.

I always have introduced the women in my life to her and she has introduced the men to me. In as non-threatening a way as possible we alway make it clear that we are friends, extremely close and inseparable as friends.

She and I have been friends for 44 years. Either our friendship is accepted by the romantic interest in our live or the relationships simply can’t move forward.

It is common because 1) people are not conditioned to accept a platonic yet very close relationship between men and women.
2) that leads to insecurity and a feeling of being in competition.

As to why your friend would accept that as a condition on the relationship is probably his own sense of fear of being alone.


Jealousy is so destructive and bloody boring. Own your stuff- Won't happen again? Giving up a friend for 3 times Sorry no disrespect - to hell with psychoanalysis... I'd put some limits..ib friendship

EvaV Level 7 July 9, 2018

People that do this often either have a strong insecurity about themselve where they can't trust their significant other to talk to the other without it becoming something of worry. In some situations, that's completely warranted. If you were friends with this guy before a woman comes into the picture though, where does she get the right to say that he would have to relinquish ties with someone she doesn't even really know? Like everyone else has said here, it ultimately comes down to the man allowing it to be that way. If he really was your friend, he would explain his case and let it be known that you're still friends no matter what. If he persists to follow the same trope, it'll always be a perpetual cycle of the same happenings, I'm afraid.


Can't be with a jealous person. If he can't stand up to these women, what does that say about him? Could you depend on him in a pinch.


He apparently doesn't consider YOU as good a friend as you do him. It says a lot about are conveniently there when he isn't getting laid, but aren't important when he is. I'd dump him. Don't blame the women circling in and out of his life......blame him.

I won't be there when this one ends...

@RobinAB You deserve better. 🙂


I really don't know. The way I look at it is, if someone does not want to be with you, or be your friend, it is out of your control. So being jealous is just hurting yourself, and most times alienates you from the person you are jealous of. I am very fortunate. I have never been a jealous person. You take what you have been given and make the most of it. Some days you are on top, and some days you are at the bottom. It usually equals out.

I've never been jealous either. I won't waste time worrying about that. I'm a confident woman and I know my worth. This will end like all the rest, but he shouldn't expect me to be there for him when it does


Good litmus test for getting a Quality relationship, seems to me......


He must speak very highly of you to his prospective girlfriends, and they find you a threat. If they would think rationally, they would perhaps realize that he regards you as a dear friend only, or you would be a couple. I can't get inside anyone's head, just guessing. However, I think it's unfair to you because you would never do this to him and maybe you should let him know your feelings about this issue. I once had a sister-in-law who was so jealous of me and my sister, she forbade my brother from communicating with us for about eight years and he allowed himself to be controlled by her...bizarre!

The dating websites act much the same,I show interest in a Woman and a week or so later I'm being grilled about who I'm talking to, and which sites.Being "Exclusive" almost immediately makes me wonder about possessive tendencies.

So,if a family emergency came up,he would be forbidden to respond? All for her love?

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