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How many here are a vegetarian, pescatarion or vegan? I've decided to be a pescatarian as I think it would be healthier and for ethical reasons.

sassylassie1018 4 July 4

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Vegetarian for 4.5 years; for the last month I've been transitioning to vegan diet


Ovo-lacto vegetarian


I've always found it puzzling that people who don't eat beef because of "ethical reasons" (wink wink) are fine with fish being killed. Killing is killing and so if you're really "ethical" fish shouldn't be in your diet either - they're alive, they have offspring, they work hard to survive, they're numbers are dwindling because of over fishing and the pollution they have to deal with. But somehow that's OK compared to say..... a Turkey? If this decision is really about ethics - there's no middle ground. You either eat meat or you don't - it's a duh kind of thing. I eat meat - less now than I did when I was younger but that's for health reasons not because I'm trying to promote an inconsistent ethical standard.

Just so you know, I only eat ethically sourced fish when I can find it. If I can find it I just don't need it.


I am not vegetarian...not until the last ? in the whole world has been grilled and served.


I am a vegetarian who on very rare occasions also has fish.


I haven't had animal flesh of any kind in 5 years, and I feel great! I weigh less than I did in high school, have perfect blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and all in a happy camper. Best of luck to you. Just are kittens of the sea! 😉


I've never even heard of a pescatarion , before . SInce the other two are about vegetables , I'm guessing this is too . Maybe uncooked veggies ? Ah ha ! It's vegetables and seafood !


I haven’t eaten mammals since my early 20s. For a while I was totally vegetarian, but at this time I eat fish and occasionally chicken.


I'm vegetarian


I don't know about that as the seas are being overfished at present. If everyone went vegetarian would we be able to grow enough veggies to feed everyone, I doubt it. We are meant to eat meat, that is why we have the sort of teeth we have (incisors etc).


Vegetarian. For Ethical reasons.


A friend recently told me she's a pescatarian. I said I thought she was a Quaker.

Lalo Level 5 July 4, 2018

Good one!

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