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I couldnt be happier. I put aside the shackles of ppls expectations and social norms, embraced honesty and refuse to treat my partners like property. We enjoy greater love and freedom in our relationships and everyone is responsible for and able to seek out their own happiness without fear or guilt. Poly is as close a term as i can find but it seems like more than that.

PumpkinEater42 3 July 4

Enjoy being online again!

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The answer to the question if there is one is Freedom. What is freedom for one is disrespect, dishonesty, coercion, jealousy, power for and to others.


To each their own, I don't think poly is for me but I know several people it works for. I'm glad you found "the one" and you're in a great relationship...

Looks to me like he found "the Ones" and I wonder if they feel the same.

Haha yes. Each woman is unique and so are the relationships. They know each other and even spend time with each other. We don't all cohabitate.

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