So im watching Suicide Squad again. Basically it's a better version of christianity.
Create own team but also the villain too. God=Amanda Waller Enchantress=Satan.
Used up ploy but not the worst dc movie so far. That goes to everything between Batman Returns and this.
The two animated suicide squad movies are better, but "Hell to pay" would seem to back up your hypothesis.
In the actual suicide squad movie though think
US government = God
Amanda Waller = metatron Master of the angels and devils
Batman = Gabriel God's messenger
Flag = Michael Commander of of god's army
Joker = Satan
Harley = Lilith (Mad first wife of Adam and later god of cot death)
Deadshot = Angel of Death (Azrael or Sammael)
Enchantress = Kali god of destruction
Katana = Bishomonten god of just punishment
Killer Croc = Sobec god of robbers
I found suicide squad as bad as Batman and Robin.