61 5

How do you respond when a complete stranger approaches you in the street and tells you "Jesus loves you."

RebelKitty 5 July 6

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I say, "I don't believe in God", if they persist, I say, " buzz off". If they continue still, I may get physical.


I smile and say thank you. Good to know.


Being from the Northeast, this doesn’t happen often. If and when it does, I simply smile and walk away.


Say, "Who?" with a puzzled look.


Right?! Hmmmm indeed... I used to scare them away by saying I was "CATHOLIC" ahhhhhhh!!!! Might as well have said atheist lol!


It depends on my mood. I would say, Jesus who?, I don't have imaginary friends, I'm not convinced he ever existed, oh really, how do you know?, or Fuck Jesus!


"And Lucifer loves YOU."


Anytime a stranger says something Jesus-y, I just sort of laugh it off and try to not acknowledge it.


"Is that eros, philia or agape, as that will determine what I wear to his party, mind you, Mexico is a long way to go at the drop a hat"


Sorry man I gotta go!


I’d like to think I’d be quick enough to respond ‘Hail Satan’ just to see their reaction.

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