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Last week into my car! I felt weirdly violated and pissed. Bought a motion security light, had front windows hedges cut and discovered somebodies had cut off lock for my vintage camper that I have to restore.
*Now that's just annoying.....took me time to find, save for it and effort dragging it here from Arkansas.
Bought a new lock and installed it on the hitch. Really....I detest thieves!
So the way my mind works, I'm more determined to fix the QH... (Queenie's Hermitage) than ever).
Sometimes those annoying types of people can give you the push you need to get your shit together!

Shazbott68 5 July 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I second the suggestion to get cameras. These days, they're cheap & easy to setup


I'd have also set up cameras and motion detectors. they are pretty chap these days. You can set it up wirelessly to be recorded by our computer, pr onto a cloud if you are afraid of your computer beign stolen.

A friend in Los Angeles did that for his parkng space and around his apartment. So, far the images just helped him out in landlord disputes.


Why would someone steal a lock on a camper?


I am so sorry they chose you. It feels SO creepy after that IS a violation! I feel somewhat comforted knowing that anyone who behaves that way....steals from and destroys other people's stuff can't ever know joy, real love or peace or happiness. That is their punishment

Xena Level 6 July 8, 2018

Don't know if they really have guilt but I did feel that I lost my feeling of safety, of innocence in a way. Someone suggested getting gun! Why, I thought...don't own anything I would kill for. Huge jump from lock your car, get a motion security light toooo get a gun! Fear of the unknown can push anyone to radical thinking..

@Shazbott68 guilt there...just misery. More and more women our age are taking gun safety courses ...where can you feel safe now?

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