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Let this sink in for a moment, if you need a moment. In our society today I keep being told a 3rd party can't win. What the fuck does it take? With approximately 26% of the voting public being republican, another 26% democrat, and 48% independent, that leaves approximately 74% of the public relatively close to the same political ideology. From past experience knowing there are republicans willing to vote for a democratic socialist, it should counter much of the right leaning libertarians in the independent category. All the negative rhetoric about Jill Stein was debunked, all of it! And in all essence we ended up with 1 of the 2 on the top. Neither being any better than the other! Break the chains of the 2 party establishment illusion. Or it's going to continue to get worse!

William_Mary 8 July 9

Enjoy being online again!

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That's one of the many problems with a Democratic Republic, which is what the US is. It isn't & never has been a democracy. It guarantees a 2 party system with only the political extremes being represented.


That's a clever picture. 🙂


I've noticed that since Blair came to power in Britain the two major parties, Conservstive and Labour have been tussling over the middle ground, traditionally the territory of The Liberal or later Liberal Democrat party. This gives rise to extreme right and left parties and independents. As a result this brings a small majority or as in England after the European Referendum and in Australia a hung parliament. This means fringe parties can hold the balance of power. Msy's government creating an absurd alliance with DUP meaning Northern Irish politics could manipulate British policy. Not sure how this correlates with US but certainly puts the brakes on meaningful policy making.

Yea, I see that all as the same as we deal with here. Dog and pony show. All of Europe is moving backwards into austerity and seemingly fascism, losing rights and social programs. It's by design there as it is here. Because their politicians are owned by the same people ours are.

@William_Mary It was curious coming to Australia that the time frame of political change was the same us UK. Right wing domination of the 80's, New Labour in Britain reflected by a middle ground, screw the working classes. Disassemble the unions and manufacturing send to SE Asia. As you say, same paymaster. As someone once said "Left wing, right wing - same bird"

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