What do you think about the mandella effect? And how does it work in the eyes of science? And if you don't know much about the mandella effect I suggest doing research.
I saw something like this on Fakebook awhile back with someone remembering seeing Sinbad play a genie in a movie. Before they brought it up, I could have swore I saw Sinbad play a genie.. But apparently it never happened.
I have a specific memory that Darth vader says luke I am your father.. Now he does not.. I'm confused I litterly watched that movie for that purpose. Even the guy that did the voice rememebers saying luke I am your father.. Im a athiest and a skeptical man but b4 you right this off look into it.. And read the madella effect whistle blowers Comments on 4chan.. Its quite puzzling.. When you combine that with AI technology its not to crazy..
Mandela Effect - a phenomenon whereby a large number of people all experience a false memory of some event.
This is a difficult question in reality. I attended a lecture by one of the leading neurosergions in the country a few years back. One of his examples during his lecture included this story: A,family came together to celebrate of of their clans birthday. Before the celebrant arrived all the family members got together and fabricated a story about a supposed mishap in which the birthday person experienced. None of it was true.
When the object of the party arrived, everybody began sharing remembrances about the birthday person. Eventually they worked around to the fictitious event. By the time every body shared their fake memoties, the birthday person was convineed it actually happened. If fact he actually added in details yo the ficticious event . When they finally came clean, the birthday person refused to believe that the event never occurred.
Case in point, the brain fills in details that seem reasonable or logical in order to make sense of a situation. With the present Administration activEly practicing GAS LIGHTING, it is not unreasonable to believe that a collective group of people could actalky have a fucticious shared memory, as it is the moat logical and reasonable explanation for a gullible population, who desperately wish to believe and reinforce a particular agenda or paradigm, even it is totally incorrect.
Case in point, when I read this article earlier Mandela Effect was capitalised and had only one L now it is not!!!!!
I must have jumped time lines.