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Hitchens: islam is evil:

JacarC 8 July 9

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And the regressive-left continues to support the islam evil instead of human rights, especially women's rights.

At least 100 girls have had their genitals mutalated in michigan. Compare that to any other religion. No comparison.

Do the research.

JacarC Level 8 July 10, 2018

Yes, we all know this already. Islam is a misogynistic, barbaric is Christianity. Okay the Inquisition was a few hundred years ago, but the pope is still dictating to women regarding contraception and abortion, The evangelicals say all women should submit to their husbands. Neither of them believe in birth control but think women are just breeding machines. In my eyes all religion is “evil”, if that is how you want to term it, don’t just single out Islam, it is just the worst of a bad lot!

@TiberiusGracchus I never said I had a soft spot for Islam, I just said all religions are bad, Islam is just worse than the rest. I have never singled out Christianity, I condemn all religions for their brainwashing and misogyny. I suggest you did not read what I wrote properly, or you are deliberately twisting my words. Of course if people want to say Islam is evil and Christianity is benign they are entitled to, it’s just not my point of view. Actually I think you will find that Hitchens condemned them both.

@TiberiusGracchus Please provide examples of christers throwing gays off buildings?
Examples of christians stoning women for trying to get out of black bags.
Examples of mutilating girls' genitals?
200 million women forced to live in black bags in the desert. How is that to be excused?


Let's face it. Catholics, and Islams have violent religions. Not all, but a few go too far. Name a Luciferian that killed in the name of Satan. A few have, but not many, not in contrast. Every religion believes inequivically that what they are doing is right.

islam is evil. 200 million women forced to live in black bags in the desert. Where is the christian equivalent? 30 million women/girls with mutilated genitals? Islam is NOT the same as any other cult on the planet.

@Jacar The Dark Age. The Inquisition. More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason.

@TheGreatShadow this is now, not 500 years ago. no equvilence and no excusing what muslims are doing NOW!

@TheGreatShadow Yes. And islam is currently the most evil. And its spread is the most dangerous for liberal democracy. Sweden is a terrible example of what happens when muslims are given special rights and treatment.
Do some research about what is happening in europe.

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