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I think that "the news" helps create a general malaise of fear in the public. While I firmly believe in being informed, the problem is that most people forget that the reason terrible stories are on the news is that they don't happen every day. The news gives us the feeling that we are surrounded by crime, accidents and corruption. But the reality is that many of us rarely, if ever, experience these things.
For example, I grew up in a "bad neighborhood". The crime rate was high and the news gave people the impression that it was unsafe and to be avoided. However, I grew up there and never experienced any real crime (other than marijuana and underage drinking) and never anything violent. I can't remember ever knowing anyone personally who had in the neighborhood (although there were stories). Now I have friends who say they won't even drive through the neighborhood for fear of being shot. When I try tell them how ridiculous that is, they often talk about having seen something on the news.
To be clear, I'm not "anti news" and I think the way people claim "fake news" about responsible journalism is a real problem. I just wish people kept in mind that the reason something is on the news is because it doesn't happen every day. Things that happen every day are not newsworthy by definition.

towkneed 7 July 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I tend to agree. The news is more about ratings these days than about keeping the public informed. The news is portrayed in a twisted, over exaggerated way that makes the world seem more violent than it really is. Most crimes are committed by people who know each other. Random acts of violence really is not all that common.


I agree. People need to understand the news is about ratings and viewership which leads to sensationalism.

This post reminded me of Jon Stewart's interview with Fox news anchor Chris Wallace where Chris tries to criticize main stream media outlets as leftist. Jon just reminds him that it has more to do with sensationalism.

Also, I try to keep this in mind when hearing or seeing something horrific in the Patton Oswalt []


The ruling class owned media contrives to frighten us because a frightened electorate is more pessimistic, more malleable and less defiant. It's about control.

I don't have a television. It's wonderful!

I remember reading once that fear is good for consumption.


This is our own fault. We've allowed this to happen.
We didn't insist and hold them all to a higher standard. We didn't reject Fox "news", and all its off-shoots. We didn't reject the extremes in both directions.
We got lazy, and stopped using our intellect to discern fact from fiction.
We are reaping what we've down and have no one to blame but ourselves.
This is ALL on us.


Agreed. There are far more good things happening than bad. As they say in the newspaper biz, though - "if it bleeds it leads." Sigh.


Just another symptom of the control exerted over people. Gotta walk in a straight line, a docile, fearful human is easier to control.

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