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It irritates me when someone declares that they are an an agnostic or a deist. An agnostic is a 'soft boiled' atheist & a deist is a 'soft boiled' theist. If only you were hot or cold instead of lukewarm.

Atheist1 4 Sep 13

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I just see it as something that each person gets to resolve themselves. I only get irritated about a person's beliefs if they try to convert me to their beliefs. Other than that it doean't bother me and doesn't really affect me.

Atheist, agnostic, deist, or believer, I am more concerned with how they treat me than what hey believe. Their person beliefs aren't a part of my life.


Agnostic because- I don't know what I don't know. I don't know what I've yet to experience.


I have to agree. Few people really know what many of the overloaded words commonly politicized in society really mean. As Frank Luntz says "it's not what you say it's what they hear". Most people have an automatic emotional reaction to the word "Atheist" to mean "radical", "militant", "actively hostile to religion". "agnostic" invokes reactions along the lines of "unsure", "don't care" or "none of my business".


No. Agnostic is NOT 'softboiled' Atheist.

Agnostic means who acknowledge that you have no knowledge without evidence to prove one way or another. Atheism means you have concluded that is no god.


Agnostic and Atheist are the same thing - Both are waiting for any proof of the existence of God.


Agnostics have no proof that there is or isn"t a such thing as a god or high power. Diests believe in some unspecified higher power. Athiests are not agnostic but do not believe that there ia any such entity as a god.


It irritates you when someone says they're agnostic?
Why did you sign up on Do you like being irritated?


Just as a religious fanatic cannot prove the existence of God, how can a "hard boiled" atheist prove the non-existence, beyond any doubt, of God? Neither my ego nor my knowledge of the universe or universes are large enough to say with complete certainty that I completely understand what is "out there".

Whiz Level 1 Oct 6, 2017

The difference is that the religious just need one verifiable piece of data to prove their position, The Atheist would have to have complete knowledge to the universe to prove theirs. This is the classic Russell's teapot analogy, meant to point out that there is no burden on anyone to disprove assertions. The Religious are making the assertion, it is upon them to prove it.


Sting: "we share the same biology regardless of ideology"
Scorpions: "we all live under the same sun, why can't we live as one" John Lennon: ". . . and the world will live as one"


I personally don't like the word, Atheist. We have no need for any other word that designates a "not" prior to the word. It's a word that has unfortunately become necessary. I think how people choose to label themselves is up to them and I don't really care what label they're going with. If you're saying I'm unsure of a God, I'm 50/50 then technically you're saying you are not convinced and that to me means you're an Atheist but the word agnostic in this case works just as well. If you want to break it down into the root meaning, then the technical difference between atheists and agnostics is a difference between belief and knowledge. It's the belief of god vs. the knowledge of god. An atheist does not believe god(s) exist and an agnostic doesn't know if god(s) exist. I'm an agnostic-atheist. I don't believe in god (or gods), but I don't know for sure.

nicely put

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