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In a show of solidarity with the American president, Donald J. Trump, thousands of appreciative Londoners lined the route of the Trump motorcade to pay homage to our president with one fingered salutes and delighted cries of "Go back to the shithole you came from," and chanting welcoming phrases like, "You're not wanted in the civilized world, Trump," and, "Return to your natural form as a brown smelly lump, Trump." It was also impossible not to notice the forced hand-holding that began in Brussels and it appears will continue at least through this visit to London. A grand time was had by all.

evidentialist 8 July 12

Enjoy being online again!

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JacarC Level 8 July 14, 2018

My personal favourite was...


The second picture looks pretty familiar.


JimG Level 8 July 12, 2018

@JimG -- Entertainment piece and not news. Illustrations added for entertainment value, not to lend validity to my already stupid comments.

@evidentialist I actually agree with the comments and the protesters, other than the fact that I don't really want the orange turd to come back.

I just wanted to give credit were it's due for the courageous act of rebellion.


I'm hoping he gets stood up by the queen tomorrow. If she does show she'd better be wearing her grab-proof pants!

Salo Level 7 July 12, 2018

and he hasnt gotten a ride in the gold carriage

btroje Level 9 July 12, 2018
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