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Been watching today's Congressional hearing.
I've not seen such pontificating from the republicans since EVER.
Every single one of the republican Congress members on that committee were auditioning for Fox "news".
This pathetic display of republican bias has been appalling.
And yay! We're paying for it.

KKGator 9 July 12

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Yes indeed, that was absurdly presented. Once again the republicans go to Hillary e mails. They go to nonsense with huge passion. They looked like the republicans who when faced with Ebola, went running to tape up windows, doors and buy protective clothing. While the democrats used science and had it under control within a month, Then the republicans come outside again only to find fault.

EMC2 Level 8 July 13, 2018

Paying for Fox? I don't think so. No cable TV in my house. The weather app of Fox 5 is pretty accurate though, but that's free and without spreading their "opinion".

Gert Level 7 July 13, 2018

Not sure what you're talking about.
No one has said anything about "paying" for Fox.

@KKGator Ok, probably misread. What are you paying for then. I suppose now that you mean the congress. Well, yea, that's a bummer. Hasn't that always been? Being in "democratically chosen power" pays off very well.


My husband had this on in the background. What I heard was very disappointing all around...not just the republicans. The news that followed later on was equally disappointing. Talk about bias.... I am close to keeping the television on the National Geographic and science channels.


What a cluster fuck!!



I was traveling ‘the beltway’ today ..listening to a radio feed of a congressional hearing. I couldn’t take it ~

Varn Level 8 July 12, 2018

I had enough other stuff going on that I wasn't able to watch every minute of the hearing, but, what I did get to see was absolutely, spectacularly, appalling. The republicans showed they were following the example of
Joe McCarthy. They also showed, in glaring fashion, that they do not care one whit that Putin and Russia actively interfered in our elections.
It was a partisan shit-show of the worst kind.

@KKGator Usually I can stomach a hearing ..though the hideous arrogance of the deep-south Republicans about turns my stomach.. But yes, today was too much from every angle. Guess it’s re-election time … they hope ~

@KKGator my question is, how do people not see this? Or, are they just so blinded by partisan thinking and their own biases that their realities have become twisted and distorted? It boggles the mind.

@Condor5 Blinded and deliberately ignorant.
Just like believers. They don't want to admit that they've been conned.
No one likes being lied to, and no one likes admitting they've fallen for the lies. It's easier to dig-in and be stubborn, than it is to accept that what you believe is bullshit.


I agree, you could close your eyes and still when a Republican was talking just by their statements and questions.

You are 100% correct in that assessment.

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