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Is there a way to hide groups from notifications? I get notifications from people I follow when they post/reply in singles group. I don’t care about singles group.

NothinnXpreVails 8 July 13

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Ha! I just asked the same thing! Now I know. Thanks!


I can see it clearly on a laptop, not sure about phone.

Qualia Level 8 July 13, 2018

I see that from phone, but there’s no way to turn off comment alerts.

@NothinnXpreVails Ah, you mean alerts when someone comments on your posts? I think it uses the global alert setting for comments.

@Admin not really.
I follow @hankster
I get notifications when he comments or posts somewhere
He comments and posts in Singles group
I have no interest in Singles group and am not a member
Is there any way to turn off the notifications so that when he comments/posts in that group it will not alert me? I still want to see alerts based on his activity, I just am not interested in his activity in that particular group.

@NothinnXpreVails sorry man. ?

@hankster nah, bro, do what you do!

@NothinnXpreVails i figured man... I'm just goofin' as usual.✌️


Each group has it's own alert settings (edit on the specific group page)

Admin Level 9 July 13, 2018

I don’t see any settings options. Would I have to join a group to prevent notifications?

It still wouldn’t work. In groups that I’m a member of, there’s no indication of the option I seek.

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