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I viewed a segment of Bill Maher's Religulous on You Tube. This was about speaking in tongues. I thought I would share part of this moving speech that as minister delivered.

"Kobo mosho koma da da lata koto moto. Dati itchie kada moco oota koko eichi toco moya. Ooka boya choko loota coma koy ya."

MrDMC 7 July 14

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It could be very bad phonetic Japanese, translated it means something like

This Postcard (says)
It is (because of) something that happened (drunkenly) during the past few days, so it is not easy for us to come back here.

or with alternate Kanji

It's just as if you were borrowed.I'm very disappointed, I'm sorry, this place is OK.


Very moving speech, except I don't think it was necessary call that woman a "Slut Poodle."

Not nice.

Athena Level 8 July 14, 2018

She was asking for it.


Kebe meme le meke fege lege lelele kebebeke memege teje !!!


I'll try to remember that next time I'm at the McDonalds drive thru


This makes sense, but science is absurd... Ok.

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