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Stop to "cultural" abuses and to their support! Stop to competitions abusing the Planet! #stopnoxiousworldcup s #boycott #worldcup s #boycottworldcup #stopcompetitionsofshame #shamenotfame 
Industrialist sports are different from neighborhood sports. The former are not innocent, they dope the living organism, cover corruption and bring environmental damage. Likewise for all the other human domains, sciences, arts etc. When Planet Terra is being destroyed, how can one be blinded by such impostures? #terraprotectivity #terraisfamily #respectlife
How close are we to the terrestrial Nature (our Family and our Ancestral House) and Its evolution? Humans can understand the notions of history, heritage and provision for the future, but they are still far from the synergy needed to defend them in practice.
On the other hand, despite some critiques, ideology is still a light. It was initially defined as "science of ideas". Which is a necessity, not an error. "We should not look for heroes, we should look for good ideas", Noam Chomsky said. Yes, good ideas for the Planet, not points in destructive games.
It is necessary to begin by defining the necessities of terrestrial Life and to make the businesses depend on them. #terracare #makepeacenotwar

tipi 7 July 14

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Girl,'s sports.

@Noemi do you prefer War? Humans have genetic aggression....sports let it out safely, even watching them


I love Naom Chomsky. I saw him speak about 4 years ago. Took my son to see him. I see many young people making a difference and not accepting status quo.

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