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One Tomato is starting to change color....and have little pods (that look similar to green beans) growing on my Jasmine...have to do some research and see if they're edible!?

Free_2B_Me 7 July 15

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Glorious earth mother.So great! Thanks again for sharing your life.


Not a gardener but is that normal?

Is what normal?

@Free_2B_Me The green bean looking things are part of a tomato plant?

@kmdskit3 You didn't read the post, did you? The bean things are on my Jasmine.....

@Free_2B_Me Oops... I did read it but guess I misread it.??


Home grownTomato's are great in flavor,sliced on a hamburger,cheeseburger of just a regular sandwich,delicious. Watch for the Tomato worms,the ones that eat the leaves,Deer have been known to eat the Tomato's too,so maybe a cage.

Haven't seen any worms so far, but know what to look for. Both plants are up on my deck specifically because the tops were being eaten by deer (all mentioned in a previous post), but are doing well now that they are out of harm's way.

@Free_2B_Me Tomato's like heat to grow,to a certain point,When my Parents and I lived in Des Moines Iowa in the early 1960's,we had a good sized Tomato garden behind our garage,nothing quite like a fresh picked Tomato washed,sliced and some salt,yumm.

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