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At times we get very caught up in semantics, in vocabulary, not trying to get to the essence of communication but instead finding reasons to shoot things down or demean them. Even on this forum which is FAR more accepting than any I have seen. I just want to give a shout out to those who ask meaningful and probing questions that elicit understanding and further thought. There are GREAT people on this site. I highly value it.

Seeker3CO 8 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Exactly! I joined for dating...staying for community. The sheer number and variety of topics here that we can discuss keep me here. I have met some awesome people. Love this site.

it's almost like a "Hive Mind",someone here knows the answer,or can help you find it. The other day,I helped a member in England about a disease we used to call "Asbestosis",now called "Mesothelioma" the result of working around Asbesto's fibers,they get in your lungs and never come out.Shipyard workers and auto mechanics are but some affected.


Yup. Often I see people who actively and consciously choose to miss the point someone is arguing so that they can deconstruct the choice of words the person has utilized. Especially when they want to shut down the other persons perspective withough having to enguage with their argument intellectually. It can be a method of bullying.
And yet I have to admit I myself have been guilt of this exact behavior in the past.

A similar tactic that occurs on online forums is to get caught up in the spelling someone uses as a way to discredit them-- which often can be a way to shut up people with less formal education - again without having to actually meaningfully enguage with their arguments.

Nice to see someone adressing this; and nice to hear that you have found this to be better on this forum.

I agree up to a point, but if someone is originating a post or making a reply which they want to be taken seriously, the fact that they do not even bother to correct mistakes that autospell highlights strikes me as lazy. It's only properly respectful to the community to put your best efforts before them, not just the first, nearest approximation that your fingers jab out.

I was once a grammar policeman. I was alerted to the fact that some are not from where I am and don't speak my language. Should I condemn the British for their spelling of realise? We here in the states spell it with a "z". I now try to interpret the message and if I need people to spell better then I'll tech a class.

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