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Why do those who believe, feel obliged to offer council to non- believers, we have'nt lost anything, not denying ourselfs of anything. Quite happy minding my own life, not trying to influence anyone or anything. If there is another life after this then I'll deal with that as and when. I'm not a non- beleiver, nor, am I a beleiver, what will be, will be. Religion is manmade, ergo, faulted, Nature is alive, ergo, real.

roverted 3 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I am on your side.

Thank you Jolanta, how is life in OZ, for a free thinking lass. I'm in Scotland,`good to make your aquaintance.

@roverted Ditto, ditto. At the moment it is rather cold where I live but I bet you not as cold as it can get in the lovely Scotland.

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