I dislike Trumpie as much as the next guy, however the coverage of his Putin bromance is too much emotion and not enough nuance. At the core of what he's doing, a rapprochement with Russia is not a bad thing. It does however upset those with vested interests in not seeing this take place, the traditional stuck in the past cold warriors. Our two countries will always have some degree of conflicting interests, but a closer relationship is better than a more hostile one. Also don't forget that the Russians, racist to the core to an even greater extent than the US, fear China. They need the US as a buffer.
Again, I am not a Trumpie and not all he's doing with Russia is OK, But it's not all bad.
The notion of all countries of the world getting along swimmingly is very appealing. But, the fact is, this guy has been meddling in our stuff where he shouldn't have been, and shit-for-brains is taking his word over our Intel services, ALL OF THEM, that he hasn't, that he/Russia is being scapegoated. He's a former KGB agent, for Pete's sake. And I don't either necessarily think 45 is smitten with him so much as I am convinced, now more than ever, that Putin has some very damaging evidence on him.
@Condor5 Meddling in our stuff? Hello? Like the US owns the world? Are you not aware of Americka's role in the world, the overthrown governments, illegal invasions, support for despots? Putin is no choir boy. Neither is any Amerikan president.
@Mitch07102 not the point. That's the same argument 45 used, and it doesn't negate the fact that the Russian government does not have our best interests in mind by constantly trying to manipulate our election, et al, processes.
Agreed, we need to stop doing ghat stuff, but we would be utter fools to invite, as 45 seems won't to do, the Russian Intel services into our governmental mechanisms.
@Condor5 Fair point. Though our two governments often share intelligence for terrorism-fighting purposes.
@Mitch07102 and that's a good thing. There's nothing wrong witgwith h collaboration when it's mutually beneficial, but if the full implication of their interference led to our current situation, trumpus assholis maximus as POTUS, and there appears to be convincing evidence it did, then lines have to be drawn, and sanctions imposed.
I replied to another post seconds ago, with this same answer, but it's applicable here.
I've wondered about the Trump support and worship phenomena, regardless of what he does.
I've asked myself if these people can actually be that stupid, immoral or illogical.
First, the answer is yes, for some, but I think a lot of it is the underlying anger that many of these people have.. well... just about stuff.
Angry people get off on conflict, being combative, being provocateurs and on inflicting pain.
They view Trump as an outlet for their pain. It doesn't matter to whom he's causing it and why - even if the recipient is America itself.
Because they hate themselves. No one can be that supportive of a hater unless they are broken inside.
I wonder if a lot of people like him because he isn't a politician.
@Kohelath It definitely played a role in the Republican primaries. Following the GFC the Democrats played it too safe by not looking to address economic inequality. With the Republicans running as the underdogs, they galvanised disaffected, blue-collar worker anger through a blunt candidate who risked breaking the system. Plus, he already had brand recognition. He was a shoe in once he began the dog whistle politics which Republicans have been using since the 50’s.
Yes, I think that's part of the dynamic. He doesn't play the politician game. He's a shit disturber.
They voted for him because his rhetoric was anti establishment.
Now, he does appeal to the establishment regarding protecting their money, but still provides the combatants with what they love about him.
Reality TV is everywhere for a reason. What people used to find shameful and could ruin a reputation, can make a career, or make you famous.
Trump makes people feel like they're part of the show. The possibility for things to come crashing down is exciting.
I once saw a question asking people if the prospect of nuclear war was either exciting or terrifying to them. The number of people who said it was exciting?
THAT was terrifying.
@Athena I totally agree with you. Not only do they hate themselves, they are encompassed by fear and insecurity.
When I was growing up the last people one would expect to 'rattle sabres' were the people on the Left. But when they are out of power and their erstwhile dependents become self-sufficient, I can understand their frustration and urges to become violent; even at the risk of nuclear war.
I believe in nuclear war. I am your huckleberry. General Patton was right... we should had continued WW2 into russia. Now we are paying the price.... as the world watches, the world laughs... We Nuked The Wrong Country god Dammit!
@GipsyOfNewSpain Sir, you are out of your mind. This is one of the most uninformed comments I've ever seen.
@Mitch07102 So I reckon now you seen it... you can die right?
@GipsyOfNewSpain I am not in a hurry, but yes, and we all do.
@Mitch07102 are you dying or simply continue making stupid comments?
@GipsyOfNewSpain You are looking in the mirror. Good bye.
@Mitch07102 I don't think he likes Russians at all.