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WHY are there still people still defending him??????

KKGator 9 July 17

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It’s a cult!


brainwashed racist, bigots and misogynists

TrumpOLINIbots BillaryBOTS OBOMBNEYbots don't care how many Arabs are killed by zionists or oil driller mercenaries like Erikkk Prince or drone "pilots"


It doesn't seen to matter what he says!

Coldo Level 8 July 17, 2018

That's where I'm at with all of them.


Hateful people...

Buddha Level 8 July 17, 2018

why? they love the lie and/or fear the facts.


I haven't a clue other than hearing "he's still the president and deserves respect." Respect was lost long ago, like when he coined the phrase "you're fired."

For me, it goes back even farther than that. I've hated that piece of shit for more than 40 years.

@KKGator these TrumpOLINI SCUM are for rolling back minimum wage laws

@GreenAtheist AND environmental protections, and human rights protections, and voting rights, and civil rights in general.
I'm sure they'll remove all child labor protections, if they get a chance.

@KKGator if anything good is not in the CONSTITUTION then it must be repealed by activist fascist so called judges of US Sup Ct

@GreenAtheist SCOTUS is a lost cause. Our country is fucked.

@KKGator actually people can take over by ratification in 27 more states FIRST AMENDMENT 50 THOUSAND PERSONS PER CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT our Right to Local Democracy

@GreenAtheist Do you really believe that would be allowed to happen?

@KKGator you have a valid point E.R.A. has been betrayed and only a few hundred of us are still lobbying 3 more states when millions of women got the first 35 states.....but 2nd amendment passed in 1992. ...only one pay raise AFTER A RE-ELECTION. ...CRIMINAL COURTS say annual COLA is not a pay raise. ...people need to fight for democracy

@KKGator so time limits are not legal by Congress or courts 2nd Amendment = 27th now 11 Bill of RIGHTS 1 more to go for all 12 to be ratified


The conservative atheists are oddly quiet.

Fascist Atheists for TrumpOLINI are all about greed pollution misogyny and welfare in the trillion$ for the rich resenting food stamps for the poor

@GreenAtheist I think they're terribly misguided and believe really wrong information. They do, however, use almost all the same "arguments" as the believers do. They also attack, and then accuse others of attacking them.
45 playbook.

@KKGator almost none of them are Veterans with a conscience McCarthyites of the new wave

@GreenAtheist Well, given that they're supporting Dodgy McBoneSpurs, it would make sense that many of them would not be veterans. I'm kind of doubting that they're even Americans.

@KKGator yes Ruuusssssshhaaah Dingy Crazy LimpBOSS HAS A TAIL growing from his tailbone. ...further proof he is 99.9% wrong all the time AS A CREATIONIST his tail is proof of evolution proving him WRONG EVERY TIME HE WADDLEs his fat ass to his dope dealer for more oxycodone CAUSING HIM TO BE DEAF FOR DECADES NOW still refusing to tell the truth about Sandra Fluke testimony about ovarian cyst pills vulvadynia pills and endometriosis pills.'s LimpBOSS who is the slit for liar polluter oil war crime profiteering banksters

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