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Things I hate

The use of bible stories to try to disprove Christianity. Such as, "Adam and Eve only had three sons, but they populated the world. Just let that sink in" First of all, the bible is a story of fiction, not one word of it is true or relevant. If it were true, you would have to assume Adam and Eve had more children because Christians love to make offspring to brainwash, so there would have been sisters, (which is gross, but also, if the bible were true, they would have been near perfect humans with no fear of the dangers of incestual breeding.) You give too much credence to their made up religion by speaking as though their fairy tale book is true.


People who come on this site and post the most inane, immature, idiotic shit just to get likes and comments. I mean, how important is a freaking T-shirt??

People who answer idiotic questions with hateful answers about something they don't like. Honestly, no one cares if you hate Rap music, the way people dance, what TV they watch, where they take their children, how they wear their hair, or how they talk. You have the right to dislike what you dislike, but you don't have to be shitty about it. And the ones that get on here and post those stupid questions are fucking shit stirrers, who love drama.

Shit stirring drama lovers.

SouthernHell 5 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I can get a t-shirt? Woohooo! If it wasn’t for frivolous thoughts, most forums would be boring. Which brings up the question - what is the relationship between chemtrails and alien sittings? I don’t th8nk it is a coincidence.



Better now?



Why oh why are you wasting your precious Life with Crapola like this?

@SouthernHell uuumm, and yet who wrote the above post?........


Oh I like the inane, immature, idiotic shit posted. It's interesting to know if; someone likes Rap or not, answers to idiotic questions, how they dance, TV shows they watch, how they wear their hair,how they talk and I most of all dislike Debbie Downers.

P.S. I already got my idiotic shirt and you don't. Na na na na!

@SouthernHell Thank you for pointing out my true age, makes an old fart like me feel good, I will live a long time then! Hee hee hee πŸ˜€

@SouthernHell OOOH, cool


Did you have a bad day?

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