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There seems to be a lot of evidence in favor of NDE being a real phenomenon. Anyone have any experience either with an NDE that includes the tunnel, the dead relatives greeting you, a spiritual being guiding the way, etc vs a total nothingness, or a demonic presence?

Sharlee 5 July 17

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Died twice, once being strangled by first hubby, once from a stroke. Neither time was there any of the reported mumbo-jumbo, nor did I "return" wanting to help humanity. First time (the attempted murder) just anger plus worry about what would happen to my infant daughter. Second time a great feeling of peace, no worries, no memories/regrets, and a sort of "looking forward with anti cc ipation" feeling (Very hard to describe). Then they brought me back to pain, fear, physical disability, ugh.


Oh really ... and what evidence would that be? Campfire stories told by people who have personal subjective experiences aren't evidence, so ... where would the evidence come from?


Oh really ... and what evidence would that be? Campfire stories told by people who have personal subjective experiences aren't evidence, so ... where would the evidence come from?


i think it may depend on what parts of your brain are firing recent research worryingly seems to say your prob aware your dead for few mins

weeman Level 7 July 18, 2018

During the birth of my daughter, I left my body. It was interesting. For one thing, soon as I was out and looking down at myself, everything was clear even though my glasses were still in the labor room. No noise, no fear, just a feeling of peace. I watched my daughter crowning(I knew this was me on the table below, giving birth), and then suddenly I was back in my body, looking up at the ceiling, and it was blurry, loud, and painful. I kind of wanted back out, but couldn’t figure out how!

@Sunsetworshiper I lost blood too: two points of hemoglobin. I could see it, when I was above. I think I had a partial abruption of the placenta, right as I was pushing, so it didn’t go on for more than 5-6 minutes. The whole labor was rapid and violent, total labor around 30 minutes. So that might have contributed.
It was kind of pleasant, out there! Much more so than in my body.


The only thing that would be compelling evidence to me would be observation of remote facts that can be verified. If someone temporarily dead can report what was happening at a different place than their physical body is at, that would be noteworthy evidence.


I don't think there's any evidence other than circumstantial or personal experience. If I'm missing some double blind peer reviewed studies, please link to them.

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