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When is freedom not fair against equality.?

Jammo 5 Oct 12

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i want the freedom to not pay taxes while everyone else does


Not being so obtuse but definitely ignorant of why equality in marriage in Australia and bigotry against it is not an internationally known issue is common beyond their borders. It seems backward in this day and age and not at all near my perception of the land down under. If there is anyway an international voice could help I'm sure you'll find many here.

SamL Level 7 Oct 12, 2017

I agree with Bikersurfer. Your question needs to include more information because the parameters for this issue are wide open. I could think of any numbers of things where one's freedom isn't fair against equality. Slavery of a race would be my first thought. Oppression based on gender is another. I just don't know if that's what you mean.

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