36 3

As a newcomer, I find Agnostics to be elitist. I'm not able to participate in chats or view people because I'm always one level short of the minimum. I hope you find your conversations stimulating and fulfilling.

TheDoubter 9 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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36 comments (26 - 36)

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Try being an introvert ya fecker! We hate interaction, rather just observe. It takes us an interminably long time to move between levels. Thankfully we have a huge reluctance to being seen to participate with 'normal' people. ?


Welcome, my precious ???


Post a picture and fill out the bio qurations is almost enough to get from level 1 to level 3. Comment on a couple of posts, and you're at three. My ratio is 2 posts to 144 (145 now) comments and I'm almost level 6.


Pick a subject,someone here may spark a long conversation,I joined in May,not sure what was here,sure,you will find "Grumps"(all websites have them), I'm a Widower,lost my wife of 27 years 10 months ago, have received emotional help here,so you are not alone.


Don't let the door hit you on your ass on your way out.

Seriously, why do people write flounce posts?
It's attention whoring at its lowest form.


Bye, Felicia.


Sometimes they are.


Buh bye.


The Moody Blues: In The Beginning- Lovely To See You, and keep on thinking free,

and as my dear old dad would say "don,t let the bastards get you down" this is a non eliteist site, don't worry about spelling or photos ITS YOUR THOUGHTS THAT COUNT.
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