4 6

Yesterday I walk into one of my stops with a tiny, expensive box to deliver.
Older lady there- That's a massive package you got there.
Me completely lost and most likely blushing- Yes ma'am. Just big enough to hold it's contents like it was designed to.
Her- Young man, I bet that there was a time that you would have said something different there.
Me- Yes ma'am. After 6 last night and before 7 this morning.
Her- Not the best answer, but you did good enough.

onthefire 7 July 18

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weeman Level 7 July 19, 2018

Just because we are old doesn't mean we are dead!

I fully think that she was just trying to mess with me. Mission accomplished.

@onthefire that's what we do...if you don't take our bait, chuckle & say it was a joke! Win-win!


You were a bit late there.


Haha. Ever bought condoms and the cashier says ‘have a good night’

antman Level 7 July 19, 2018
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