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So,yesterday I went to work early, I work at General Atomics aerospace div. second shift doing Metrology/tooling. And wore a t-shirt with "science>opinion" on it. And the first shift leadman asked me what thats supposed to mean?Thats when I found out he doesnt trust scientists,the world is flat,and NASA is all bullshit? I'm still realing about how this guy got his job? But at least now i know why his project is so screwed up i have to come in early.

surfdad08 5 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I think he is a plant


Document everything. Make sure it comes up at performance reviews....


I am a contractor. Three years ago, I had a guy come work for me who started in about chemtrails, CIA poisoning our food, and other fringe ideas. While I probably have a fringe idea or two floating around in my least I do not preach it. This guy did and could not understand why the rest of my crew did not see the obvious (the jet contrail). I finally let him go as he was weirding out the other workers. I have no idea how some folks get their ideas. sigh...

Grounds for firing? In some states the laws are rigid. "You're a freaking nut" won't cut it.

@CallMeDave Who says I fired him? I just did not use him anymore. The other three workers all said they would quit if he stayed on, he came to work higher than a kite, complained about having to work (which is why the other workers told me they were tired of listening to his crap, and last but not least, when a guy wants to stand around and talk about chemtrails instead of working, well I lose his phone number. I see you have never had employees before. Try it some time and you will find it is not a bed of roses.Sorry if it offends you.

@yamaha45701 holy over reaction Batman.
"I finally let him go"?
Nevermind. Buh bye troll.

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