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Do You Read History or could you care less because you were not there. Have you come to the fact that American History is for the most part embellished which has made you a more prominent student of 'Facts' and not the BS that became the rethought.

Nevermind345 7 July 22

Enjoy being online again!

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The best history teacher that I' ve found was Howard Zinn , especially his book ' The peoples history of the U.S of America "

Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen. I even read it twice.


@Nevermind345 You gotta be fair here. How is it that American History is different than everything else?

Wounded Knee, Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor, The Death of General George Patton, The Assassination of JFK, RFK, MLK, 9-11, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Columbus Day. If you have never pondered or read into these peculiar catastrophic events that changed our lives your obviously do not read History.

@Nevermind345 The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand turned Europe in flames, American history didn't have much to do with it. Hitler mocked Chamberlain when he ran over Polland... American history didn't have anything to do with that European turmoil (Americans had to bailed them out, I'll give you that much). All cleansing wars world wide like Armenia and many in Africa. American history didn't have to do anything with it. Mongols almost conquered the whole known world back in the day on the 13th century when America didn't even existed as a country. The list could go on an on... my question still stand, why do you single out American history when there has been lots of stuff worldwide since day number one? .... and what I read and you read, let's not go there. I don't know you and you don't know me. Fair enough?

Talk about my posted comments to your question to be fair. To which you have not stated any response to my concerns. Your delving into International Mayhem about Armenians, Africans, Mongols and the 13th Century.
Listen carefully. I am in American History and you can eliminate Columbus Day which I will allow, then you haven't approached anything in the past 80 years of significance to your response which is international and not American.

@Nevermind345 We are talking about different things then... ok


I'm a huge WWII buff.

I was always bewildered and awestruck by the mannerism and character of Gen. George S. Patton and having watched the movie, and having visited West Point did I ever have to go back and read his Bio. I did this also with Ike, and Doug as they were all West Pointers. It led me to the book about his death and the mysterious circumstances which surround it and why the statues of both Eisenhower and Patton are on opposite sides of the Parade Field facing in different directions.


I used to live history but the older I get the more o realise that most of it is guess work and written by the winners . In conclusion I'll give it a passing interest but nothing like I used to

Simon1 Level 7 July 22, 2018

There is a book a sociology teacher recommended to me. It's called "Things My History Teacher Never Told Me" or something to that effect. You are correct. The history books are written by the winners of the war. I graduated in 2003 in the US, and I NEVER remember hearing anything about Vietnam.

@TheGreatShadow I had a good history teacher she told us that you should read as many books on a certain part of history and mix and match the tellings of it and even the. You won't get the whole truth

@Simon1 Mine was a semi-retired lawyer...

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