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So I did a "Quiz" that was obviously pro-trumpy and even though I answered contrarily, I am now getting trump propaganda that is targeted towards supporters. It's an eye opener to be sure.

arnies 7 July 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I too tried to get into a fox news blog and actually completed a profile. I have never been allowed in but I get all types of pro Trump news. The issue is they send me fake news facts and I cannot escape it. Never was my opinion asked for , just donate.

EMC2 Level 8 July 23, 2018

What do you think it was going to happen?

I didn't really care one way or the other, but it has turned out positive... it's always good to hear what's going on in the enemy camp!

@arnies That is not what is happening in the camp... that is simply what they want you to know but keep an eye on them,,, there is always a slip.


In revenge for my dumping him, a Republican medical doctor I briefly dated donated to the National Rifle Association in my name, and signed me up with the Republican Party. He knows I am a Democrat who supports gun control.

Email was easy: I sent their emails to SPAM.

"Return to Sender, I'm a Democrat, you idiots!" I wrote on their mailed envelopes. They took me off their mailing lists. Brushes off hands.

I'm impressed. 👍 I would think about doing something like that but probably wouldn't follow through.

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