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A few of my favorite quotes. Served as guideposts of sorts, growing up. Heinlein was probably the first person I found a kindred spirit in.

Lostin15801 6 July 22

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Another Heinlein fan, although I hated his politics.


It's been a long time since I've read Heinlein, but I always loved him.

There are a few of his that I have read many times over my lifetime, and have gleaned new perspective each time. He had a good grasp of the human condition.


Interesting thoughts! I've never read this author...seems I need to do that. THANKS!

He also wrote a lot of juvenile fiction, which I didn't care for. I recommend Stranger In A Strange Land, Time Enough For Love, or To Sail Beyond The Sunset. There are several others that are good, but these have earned many, many rereads over the years.

@Lostin15801 Thanks...I'll run through ''used books'' and see what I can find. (I made myself a SOLEMN VOW that I won't buy anymore new books. I could very easily become a hoarder of them!) (Don't's our little secret.) (I can imagine myself featured in some magazine..."Crazy book-lover builds charming home from BOOKS." )


Vonnegut and Bradbury were my first authors of note and association

t1nick Level 8 July 22, 2018
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